Many of our faithful blog life followers have questioned where we have been for the past 3 years. Why no knew posts have been published since our nomadic family returned "home" to Texas, the answer is simply this... coming back to the land of comfort has been the most difficult thing God has ever asked us to do. It has not been a journey that I wanted to chronicle, forever written down. Though one day maybe our hearts will be mended to that point of sharing, for now those years are mostly left blank... but not empty, for it was those years of mending and healing that lead us to a new path that we believe God carved out especially for our family of five (now)! A pathway that leads a simple 7 hours away from home and to a new place to rest called Amarillo! So here it is, the blog is back on and our hearts are back to soaring, back to where they always belonged... serving those most deserving of service, practicing the purest form of religion, loving the defenseless and sharing the only thing we have, ourselves! Hold on guys, here God goes again!!!